Monday, September 26, 2005

i got some mail today.

on thin green airmail paper i got a beautiful letter from basil in uganda with drawings of a truck and a soccer ball and people/chickens and upside-down ice-creams on skateboards.

on my laptop screen i got a rather scary email from the coordinator of my university course.

why scary?

1. i've never given my gmail account to the university, so i have no idea how she got it
2. anyway, normally university emails are sent to my university account
3. well, our coordinator is scary at the best of times
4. and especially when she's sending me email to an account she shouldn't know exists
5. the one-word contents of the email were disturbing in a 'i'm stalking you' kinda way

so what did she have to say?


that's all.
nothing else.
well? anyone got any brilliant theories as to what's going on in her head? should i change my name and hide out in the blue mountains? should i drop out of uni?


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