i'm thinking about letting my fringe grow out so long it covers my whole face (better pimple coverage than clearasil and a step up from a paper bag). i'd have to cut holes in my fringe so my red glasses can poke through and so i can, you know, see. but ashleigh pointed out that the glasses-shaped holes would move down as my hair grew. albeit at a very very very very slow rate since i've been growing my hair for approximately one bajillion years and it's still only just past my shoulders. i guess i'd just keep cutting it until eventually the fringe had this enormous hole in the middle of it. except then that would defeat the purpose because you could see my pimples in all their glory anyway. besides which i have this weird spasm of a kink on the right side of my fringe which looks like a loser at the best of the times let alone if it were allowed to grow cousin it style.
so i guess i'll stick to getting my fringe cut back next week.
Although you know.. you can't really have holes in the middle of your fringe as hair can't suspend itself in mid-air unattached to your scalp.
that's true.
i'm smrat.
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