Sunday, December 11, 2005

do you believe it
i can spend fourteen hours straight with the boy and he doesn't get sick of me
i mean
i get sick of me in that amount of time

[jump cut]

operation room explosion has reached a critical stage. the results of two full days of dusting and rubbishing last week have been since covered with a layer of dust and rubbish. it's all rather depressing. i'm just not good at this cleaning thing. nor the keeping things clean thing, for that matter.

like, tidy people are too lazy to look for things. right?

[jump cut]

the other day i got a letter from the department of philosophy at sydney uni congratulating me on my performance in philosophy and encouraging me to consider honours. LIKE NO THANKS. another three years of sitting in tutes vacillating between complete incomprehension and severe annoyance at the crazy kids who pretend that they believe that you can never be certain about anything in the history of ever is not my idea of a good time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

14 hours? wow, I'd get sick of me after 14 hours.

I guess it goes to show that these relationships are a miracle!

1:20 PM  

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