Sunday, January 08, 2006

last night i got all domestic and put rice and water in the rice cooker. and then--and this is the best bit--i cooked it!! AND i heated up the lamb casserole thing mum cooked on friday. i might as well have put on an apron and like done ten loads of washing and dusted the whole house, i was so housewivesque.

then lara DOMINATED in monopoly, thus ending this thing i used to do where i won every time because i owned the top half of the board and made all my opponents cry by building enormous structures on my property and just generally becoming a capitalist corporate giant.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget the considerably doofusesque retainer of Dagobah, more affectionately known as the swamp.

Like, if I had created Star Wars Monopoly, then Dagobah would be the most expensive ever, and people would pay megamonopolybucks or maybe even megabucks every time they landed there. I mean, come off it, Yoda's the bomb! And like, there's no pewter figure to represent him. Like, I'm through with being Han Solo because his luck is out.

I am not a woman, I promise.

I mean, I think so.

I heart pristinely-cooked rice. I think a bit of the rice would have worked up a treat in Dagobah, you know, it might be dingy and rainy and full of gargantuan albeit friendly monstrosities, but the cuisine! Man, I'd own a hundred swamps.

5:30 PM  
Blogger alix said...

verbosetastic :D

3:00 PM  

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