last week i learnt to hold a pool cue in a way that makes me look stupid and then miss balls with it, which of course makes me look even more stupid. i learnt that i like pool and i like sucking at it and i love playing it with bel and grant and dave who laugh with me and let me have extra turns when i'm extra EXTRA sucky.
last week i learnt that there's nothing like 3am conversations with someone who used to be one of your best friends. there's nothing like not underestimating them. there's nothing like seeing them cry because sadness is giving way to happiness. there's nothing like admitting that we're all as scared and uncertain as each other. there's nothing like rolling out of bed the next morning knowing that you would stay up late with them fifty times over and never regret it, no matter how much your eyes were glued together with sleep, how much you stumble to the bathroom, how much you can't concentrate for the rest of the day. 
last week i had a good time without architecture in helsinki, shopping and thai food. who knew?
last week i fell in love with four people, mostly all over again. 

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