Anne Dunn: (interrupts Media Boy) Excuse me, but could I speak to you for a moment, John?
Narrator: Our ordinary little media student is surprised that Anne Dunn knows his name.
Media Boy: I’m surprised that Anne Dunn knows my name. (pause) Hey wait, I’m not ordinary!
[sound of other students fades out, as Anne takes Media Boy aside to speak to him in private]
Anne Dunn: (deadly serious tone) John, I have something very important to tell you.
[sound: dramatic music, sudden build-up of suspense…]
You…are the Chosen One. You are our only hope. Now come quickly, we must head to the Media Cave at once. Some very important people are waiting to meet you!
ooo yeah.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

i have new hair
and writer's block.
go and be india's fans because hers was one of the best concerts i've ever been to.
Monday, April 10, 2006
my friend phillip is a nerd.
this is phil and i, with some other people. but mainly phil and i. we're on your right.

(man i was tanned)
my friend phil is an all-round nice guy, genius type, stylish like, movie buff, awesome at cooking and at playing the piano, but not at the same time.
oh and he is a SUPERSTAR!
in a bid to climb up the reality show food chain all the way to dancing with the stars, phil is one of the nerds in the new sbs reality television show, nerds fc. well actually he is the premiere nerd, the star of the show, but we'll keep that quiet for now.
check out the website and channel the nerdiness by subscribing to the podcast and blow up pictures of phil and stick them above your bed. but most importantly watch sbs this friday at seventhirtypm so ratings soar and sbs signs phil on for another season, to make the whole dancing with the stars happen.